I feel like I've had the shadow of Cinderella following me all of my life, a sort of existential Cinderella complex. I read a meme on IG the other day that said something to the effect of: Cinderella wasn't looking for a Prince, she just asked for a day off and a new dress. Some clever, modern, girl boss type woman must have written this to make my day. Anyway, what speaks to me most is the concept that Cinderella was not born a princess. She worked hard, even under duress, and managed still to be kind and loving. Somewhere hidden underneath her rags and dirt was always a capable, worthy, beautiful woman who only needed to be dusted off and seen. I reject any analysis that Cinderella was faking it, or a "social climber" even, who was concealing her class with costume and shiny trimmings. Instead, I like to think those gifts, as temporary as they might have seemed at first, were a reflection of her indisputable virtues. Sometimes the world outside needs a clue, a symbol, a sparkle before it takes notice. Most times it is difficult for people to see beyond the top layer. All of the time, an individual needs an ally, a support system, an investment. I felt like Cinderella at the ball walking the blue carpet for the premiere of Footloose way back in 2011. Enchanted by the lights and photographers, radiant in a gold silk ensemble, beaming from the atmosphere and opportunity of a lifetime to be seen... afraid, that it would all disappear and my life as a surviving actress would resume, leaving no more than a distant memory never to be topped or repeated. Regardless, I was on a high for several days after. Singing and dancing, and reminiscing about the amazing night I had, finally reflecting how I always felt: Golden, Radiant, Important. And in the weeks, months, years to follow, that night would become less of a distant memory... and more of a target to aim for again. The fairytale (idealism) is that Cinderella was instantly prepared to thrive in a new reality. That from one day to another, she could transform her perception and behaviors to match the circumstantial transformation happening. In real life I like to think that Cinderella, having been rightly seen, validated and supported, still needed time to adjust. And that it didn't take too long, 10,000 hours or so, perhaps.
Starting from the present...
He Said: "If you only ever aim for what you CAN do, you'll never reach the next level." She Said: Let's build a life together. He Said: "You might just have to love me, even if I don't love you back." She Said: Hahaha! Don't EVER contact me again. He Said: "I told you I didn't want to be in a relationship." She Said: Cool. Make sure you leave the key on your way out. He said: "We don't need labels to define us. She Said: That works for me... for now. He said: "There are parts of me you will never know." She Said: Who cares, let's see what happens. Sometimes there are red flags, other times flags aren't needed, it's just said directly. Sometimes you have to guess and other times the truth is spelled out. I learned a lot about myself based on the relationships I was choosing. It told me where I was in my maturity, how I was teaching people to love me, what I was accepting, and what I was rejecting. And eventually I understood some of the best advice that I wish I could properly credit: When someone shows you who they are, believe them. The above five quotes are real. They come from the 5 serious (or otherwise, pivotal) relationships of my life. I am marrying the first guy next year! A "Shit List" is one way to call it... Another way to call it is a "Can't-Quit-Till-I-Prove-These-MFs-Wrong" List... We'll go with the latter. It's more proactive. This list is not exhaustive. There are some strong honorable mentions not actually worth mentioning. But for the 5 people below, I have dedicated the following Haikus to their extraordinary contributions to my determination to win! 1. For "Mr. Springer" That one producer Never a Leading Lady? Thanks for the inspo 2. For "Mr. Little" That one director You were lucky to have us What's your claim to fame? 3. For "What's-Her-Name" Threats to my career Assume, then apology? Next time just ask first 4. For "Ms. Cakes" Said I'd run back home Thought you were there to support Why so bitter, though? 5. For "Ms. 4-Leaf" and the Like You hope for the fail Go ahead, keep checking in You motivate me Basically, Thank You! It's a strange choice to pursue acting, to pursue an art form where there is no separation between the art and the art maker. There is no piece of music to play, no canvas or print to present, no sculpture to stand behind. The actor's work is contained within her. She learns to insulate her art with thick skin. She receives criticism and rejections not to a body of work that exists in her absence, but to the body of work that is her body, mind, and interpretation. It's a funny business this show business. It is not for the weak or impatient. And many are poised and ready to root against you. But that's the game. And the winners know how to transform those voices into activation. I literally can't stop until I have proven each of these folks wrong. (A few I already have!) A productive life calls for some planning. I’ve been an artist and entrepreneur for all of my adult life so I know that maintaining a productive and balanced work life can be challenging when you are your own boss. Here’s a little prescription I intend to use in order to chase away my post-show blues and get back into the flow of a winning #artistlife. A.M. I N S P I R A T I O N (20 Minutes Minimum Daily Requirement)
B R E A K F A S T (Daily. May be consumed during the Peak Performance Period when necessary, but no more than 2x per week.)
P E A K • P E R F O R M A N C E • P E R I O D (Morning Edition. 5-6x Weekly. 4 hours)
L I G H T • P H Y S I C A L • A C T I V I T Y (2x Daily. 15 minute intervals. May be skipped on days of Heavy Physical Activity.)
H E A V Y • P H Y S I C A L • A C T I V I T Y (3x Weekly. 45 Minutes Minimum Requirement. May be accomplished A.M. or P.M.)
L U N C H (Daily.)
P.M. P E A K • P E R F O R M A N C E • P E R I O D (Afternoon/Evening Edition. 5-6x Weekly. 3 hours.)
D I N N E R (Daily.)
T H E • C H E C K - I N • P E R I O D (4-5x Weekly. 30 minutes.)
G R A T I T U D E (Daily.)
enisha b janeIn my own words. Archives
March 2023